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Level 1-60 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Event
SubCategory: Swoop_gang
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.1.2
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Raossk
Other Sites:


  • 491. - Is good to see you again, friend.
    • 492. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 395. - Am glad for end to these troubles. Pit Screamers can move forward again.
        • 397. - Will be stronger than ever without worries. Can focus on earning greater glory. But first must find good replacement.
          • 399. - Is too bad Veerla must go, but you helped to see this is the only way. My thanks are yours.
      • 324. - You have done much to help Pit Screamers, even though you have matters of your own.
        • 325. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 326. - Have spoken with Veerla. Am disappointed she will not return, but glad we remain friends.
            • 329. - Must thank you. Without you, would have been blind. Would have lost important friendship.
              • 330. Player - I'm glad you'll still be friends.
              • 331. Player - Happy to have helped.
                • 347. - Is good to have you. Is good to stay friends with Veerla. Have learned much with your help.
                  • 349. - Now is time to return to swooping! Will never forget your help, and will listen better to friends.
              • 332. Player - Can we get back to swooping now?
                • 345. - Is good to focus on important things, yes! Back to swooping--and better than ever!
          • 327. - Have spoken with Veerla. She returns soon! Am pleased she comes back.
            • 334. - Must thank you. Without you, friendship would be ruined. Pit Screamers would be lesser without Veerla.
              • 335. Player - I'm glad she's coming back.
              • 337. Player - It was no problem.
              • 338. Player - Can we get back to swooping now?
                • 339. - Ha! Yes, and better than ever! Already Veerla has ideas for new stunts.
                  • 341. - Is good to have people like Veerla--like you, too--as Pit Screamers. Have hope for many more years. Will never ignore friends again.
                    • 342. <Conversation Exit>
  • 245. - Task is done? What did you see on Onderon?
    • 246. Player - Veerla is right. You should spend more on materials and maintenance.
      • 298. - Is surprise. Did not realize problems were so great.
        • 300. - Thought Veerla is too paranoid after brother's death, made weak and blind to glory by worries over accident.
          • 302. - Can see now I was blinded one. Was too intent on chasing greater points to listen.
            • 480. Player - It's never too late, Raossk.
            • 303. Player - There is still time for you to make amends.
              • 484. - May still be hope, yes. But must work quickly, prove to Veerla have changed.
            • 304. Player - The courses need repairs. Now.
              • 482. - Can see, yes. Should have listened to Veerla before.
            • 305. Player - You really messed up here.
              • 306. - Maybe have lost Veerla, but can still do something. Need help from you once more, friend.
                • 308. - Will find Veerla's requisition manifest, order supplies she demanded.
                  • 310. - Go again to Mek-Sha. Receive new supplies and help with repairs, then show Veerla. Want her to know, to see I understand.
                    • 311. Player - I'll take care of it.
                    • 314. Player - You're still paying me, right?
                      • 319. - Would not let help go unpaid. Of course.
                    • 481. Player - Can't you do this?
                      • 488. - Cannot leave course now, in middle of All Worlds. Veerla would not listen to me now, either.
                    • 315. Player - This is pointless.
                      • 316. - But must try. Must honor Veerla and brother.
                        • 318. - Please. Return after talk with Veerla. Am hopeful she will forgive.
                          • 402. <Conversation Exit>
    • 248. Player - It wasn't that bad. Besides, a little danger is part of the fun.
      • 250. - You speak truth. Have always felt same. Is shame Veerla no longer understands.
    • 247. Player - [Lie] Veerla's crazy. Everything is fine out there.
      • 249. - Am not surprised. Is too bad Veerla cannot see truth. Was great friend for many years.
        • 280. - Can continue as always. Focus on new stunts, bigger course, more points. Is glory in this.
          • 283. - Is one more request. Owe Veerla respect for many years, for friendship and work.
            • 285. - Veerla has many prized possessions on Onderon course. Trophies, holorecordings, tools. Should be with her.
              • 286. Player - I can take them to her.
              • 287. Player - Why can't you take them?
                • 290. - Veerla will not like to see me. Is shame for friendship to end, but do not wish to anger her more.
              • 288. Player - Do I look like a cargo runner?
                • 289. - Is last request, do not worry. Veerla will appreciate. I will pay.
                  • 292. - Visit Onderon course, collect personal effects. Then take to Veerla. Will wait for your return.
                    • 401. <Conversation Exit>
  • 212. - Have come far since we met. Skills greatly improved. Is pleasure to watch in action.
    • 214. Player - What can I say? I'm a fast learner.
    • 452. Player - Such things come naturally to me.
      • 459. - Must keep up, or points will exceed my own some day.
    • 213. Player - Thank you, Raossk.
      • 456. - Do not need thanks. Only stating facts. You earn many points in Scorekeeper's eyes.
    • 215. Player - This is hardly worth my time.
      • 465. - No one forces you to run courses, yet you do, yes?
        • 216. - Have been thinking about Veerla, her brother. When she left, was too angry to see. But is possible have made mistake.
          • 454. Player - You feel it's more than "possible," don't you?
          • 453. Player - "Possible?" Be honest, Raossk.
            • 463. - Yes. More than possible. After brother's death, Veerla changed. Have always wanted old Veerla back.
              • 466. - Did not want more changes. Wanted all to continue as before.
                • 468. - Maybe is Raossk who is in the way of old Veerla coming back. Need to find out.
          • 217. Player - What makes you think that?
            • 470. - Have always thought brother's death changed Veerla for worse. Ignored her worries. Did not want change.
              • 472. - Want old Veerla back. Veerla who loves the sport. Maybe is Raossk who stops her from healing.
          • 219. Player - Veerla overreacted. It's better that she's gone.
            • 477. - Am not so sure of this now.
              • 220. - Am wanting other opinion on Veerla's concern. Need one to examine courses, judge if she is right.
                • 221. Player - I'd be happy to help you.
                  • 240. - Am pleased. Help from you always welcome.
                • 222. Player - Why don't you ask your course managers?
                  • 226. - Is better for one like you, who has view from outside. Must be neutral, and managers cannot be. Has been unrest since Veerla is gone.
                    • 228. - Have struggled to support operations. Cannot spare their time, even if I could trust.
                      • 229. Player - What do you need me to do?
                      • 231. Player - Just make it worth the effort.
                        • 233. - Yes. Can arrange payment for efforts, as always.
                          • 235. - Take scanners, go to Onderon course. Make scans, observe structures.
                            • 237. - After, return to me. Will discuss what you find, decide if Veerla is right to have worries.
                              • 238. <Conversation Exit>
                • 223. Player - [Refuse Mission] I don't have time for this.
                  • 224. - Am disappointed. But understand.
                    • 225. <Conversation Exit>
  • 196. - Is news from Veerla?
    • 437. Player - I've got some bad news for you, Raossk. Veerla quit.
      • 440. - Quit? No. Veerla could not quit. Veerla is family!
    • 197. Player - Veerla wanted me to tell you she's done with the Pit Screamers.
      • 441. - Done with Pit Screamers? Cannot accept! Is lie, must be.
    • 439. Player - Looks like you're going to need a new coordinator.
      • 200. - New coordinator... No, cannot be. Veerla could not leave forever.
        • 201. Player - You haven't respected her.
          • 448. - No! Always listen to Veerla. Do not always agree, but always respect.
        • 202. Player - She's sick of arguing with you.
          • 450. - Then she should not start arguments, should not constantly question path I choose for Pit Screamers!
            • 205. - I am the leader! She knows decisions are mine. Is how Pit Screamers earn points, gain glory!
              • 392. - She is ruined by her needless worries, cannot leave old troubles in past. Have told her many times.
        • 203. Player - You don't need her anyway.
          • 204. - Cannot believe such betrayal! Made effort to help, to bring good memories, and she abandons?
            • 207. - Am sorry to waste time with nonsense. Do not worry over it. Please, enjoy the course.
              • 208. <Conversation Exit>
  • 154. - Cannot believe this. Betrayal!
    • 421. Player - Sounds like trouble. What's going on?
      • 422. - Veerla disappeared! Tried to suggest she needs break after All Worlds.
        • 424. - Did not go well. Yelling, raving, took first shuttle off-planet.
    • 156. Player - Betrayal? Sounds like this could be serious.
      • 427. - Cannot believe Veerla would abandon like this! Only tried to suggest she needs break after rally!
    • 155. Player - Calm down, Raossk. It can't be that bad.
      • 430. - Is bad, and worse. Veerla is gone!
        • 432. - Only suggested Veerla needs break after Rally. Time to relax and forget worry.
    • 157. Player - What are you on about?
      • 158. - Veerla! Mentioned idea of taking rest after All Worlds. Did not work.
        • 160. - Now she is gone, angered. Left no contact. And in middle of All Worlds Rally!
          • 164. - Course cannot operate without Veerla. Must find her quickly. But need help.
            • 165. Player - Do you have a plan?
            • 166. Player - As long as there's something in it for me.
              • 180. - Yes, can provide rewards. Need Veerla's return.
            • 167. Player - I need more details.
              • 168. - Have excellent plan. Dug around, found very old holorecording. From before even I was Pit Screamer. Veerla's first championship.
                • 170. - Find her and show her. This will inspire her passion. She will return.
                  • 173. - But first must find her. Am unsure where she would go.
                    • 417. Player - She has a friend on Mek-Sha.
                    • 174. Player - Tseekoli seemed to know her pretty well.
                      • 175. - Ah, shipping servant Tseekoli. Perhaps she knows, yes. Start with her.
                        • 176. Player - Are you sure this will work?
                          • 435. - Cannot fail. To see first victory, to remember thrill and glory. Will work.
                        • 177. Player - Sounds like a good plan.
                          • 185. - When she sees, she will remember passion for swooping. This much I owe--without Veerla, I would not be Pit Screamer.
                            • 186. Player - It seems like you care a lot for Veerla.
                            • 187. Player - She's why you joined up?
                              • 190. - We are friends for long years. Once, I hunted, like other Trandoshans. I stumbled onto Onderon course, watched her ride, and all changed.
                            • 188. Player - I'll see what I can do.
                              • 191. - Go, then. Find Veerla and convince her. Scorekeeper watch over you.
                                • 195. <Conversation Exit>
                        • 178. Player - [Refuse Mission] I'm not running errands.
                    • 418. Player - [Refuse Mission] I don't have time to search the galaxy for a swoop biker.
                      • 183. - Then do not. Will have to find another.
                        • 184. <Conversation Exit>
  • 141. - Veerla is feeling better now?
    • 412. Player - I get the sense that something is still bothering her.
    • 143. Player - I did what I could, but I'm not sure it helped much.
      • 147. - Even with new blood for help? Is confusing.
    • 144. Player - Honestly, it seems like she's upset with you.
      • 413. - With me? Veerla knows I must make best decisions for all Pit Screamers, not just for Veerla.
    • 145. Player - She was too demanding.
      • 146. - Veerla has much work to do. You have seen only small part.
        • 150. - Have heard soft things tire even of important work. Can lose fire of passion without rest.
          • 387. - Will suggest to Veerla to take break after All Worlds. Relax, come back and be refreshed.
            • 389. - Thank you for helping Veerla. Am eager to watch your progress in swooping.
              • 390. <Conversation Exit>
  • 20. - Have watched your runs. Impressive for new blood!
    • 408. Player - There was no doubt in my mind I'd do well.
    • 62. Player - I'm just getting warmed up.
      • 68. - Ha! Is correct attitude. Many more points to earn, though.
    • 63. Player - I feel like I still have a lot to learn.
      • 67. - Is always more to learn, new stunts to achieve. But already you earn many points.
    • 64. Player - Your praise means nothing to me.
      • 65. - Of course. Only thrill of challenge matters, not praise. Still am impressed. Many points already.
        • 66. Player - Points? What kind of points?
        • 69. Player - If I have points, where's my reward?
          • 71. - Points are reward. Ultimate reward. Scorekeeper watches not only killing, but facing death with stunts. Points earn place after death.
            • 73. Player - So doing dangerous tricks is part of your religion?
            • 78. Player - That seems a little strange.
              • 82. - Is not popular belief, but is true. Can feel Scorekeeper's gaze on courses, doing stunts, same as hunting. Prefer earning points this way.
                • 85. - Have more important matter, though. Could use new blood like you for help.
            • 79. Player - I'm not interested in your religious babble.
              • 84. - Is fine. Scorekeeper watches always. Would ask to discuss one other matter, then.
        • 70. Player - Did you want something from me?
          • 80. - Could use new blood like you for help.
            • 88. - Is more to swoop rally than running courses. Hard work to build, to plan.
              • 90. - Coordinator Veerla bothers me with questions, requests for more credits. Is tiring. Wish to focus on creating new stunts.
                • 100. - Until now, Veerla managed construction, maintenance, upgrades. Never complained. Soft things are difficult to understand.
                  • 101. Player - What does she want credits for?
                    • 410. - Is long list. Have it somewhere, but details not important for you.
                  • 102. Player - Why is she complaining?
                    • 104. - Always is asking for expensive materials, now. But have used same suppliers for many years, and no problems.
                      • 117. - Cannot develop new stunts, jumps, expand course if so much is spent on basic materials.
                        • 119. - Even worse, now Veerla does not come with plans for new stunts. Does not push limits for more points.
                          • 121. - Is probably tired from so much work and needs help, but will not ask. She has great pride.
                            • 122. Player - I can lend her a hand.
                              • 128. - Is good. Maybe help will bring old Veerla back.
                            • 123. Player - Only if there's something in it for me.
                              • 124. - Yes, will be reward for helping. Will cost less than expensive materials!
                                • 126. - Speak with Veerla. She is on course somewhere. Give her help.
                                  • 131. <Conversation Exit>
                            • 127. Player - [Refuse Mission] This is not my concern.
                  • 103. Player - [Refuse Mission] I'm not interested.
                    • 132. - Then will find someone else. Come back if you wish to help.
                      • 133. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - New blood. Good. Should hurry to course, prove worth.
    • 404. Player - You'll need to tell me more about this little operation first.
    • 21. Player - I need to know more about you and the Pit Screamers first.
      • 24. - Soft things, always with questions. Little to know. I am Raossk, I lead the Pit Screamers.
    • 22. Player - You aren't causing any trouble, are you?
      • 25. - Trouble? Look around. Cheering fans, thrill of speed! There is no trouble from Raossk and his Pit Screamers.
    • 23. Player - I don't have to prove anything to you.
      • 26. - No? Can already perform three-sixty reverse spineslap with eyes closed, then? You are powerful, but not a Pit Screamer.
        • 33. - We ride swoops, do dangerous tricks, defy death! Glory to be had on the track. Nothing is better.
          • 406. Player - When you put it that way, it does sound thrilling.
          • 36. Player - Defying death is a specialty of mine, you know.
            • 39. - You are eager, then? Is good. Course awaits, if you have courage.
          • 37. Player - It doesn't sound like what you're doing is safe.
            • 42. - Safe? Life is not safe. Is no honor in hiding from danger, only in facing it. Pit Screamers do not worry about "safe."
              • 48. - Try for yourself. Will understand.
                • 49. Player - I guess it couldn't hurt to try your course.
                • 50. Player - I'll think about it.
          • 38. Player - Your little game is pointless.
            • 45. - Soft thing does not understand thrill of swooping, then. Has not heard the crowd, felt wind of speed, rushing of blood.
              • 43. - Then is nothing to discuss. Complete course, or do not. Pit Screamers do not need you, but always have room for brave swoopers.
                • 46. Player - I'll give it a try.
                  • 54. - Will watch you on the bike. Can sense great potential.
                • 51. Player - This is beneath me.
                  • 58. - Does not matter. Pit Screamers understand true glory.
                    • 59. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.event.swoop_gang.story.shared.screamers.screamers_gang_leader
Appearance ID16140965574268517194
Body Typebms
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb492b733180000cb0a4c63"
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    "Name": "Raossk",
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    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Raossk",
        "frMale": "Raossk",
        "frFemale": "Raossk",
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        "deFemale": "Raossk"
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    "ClassB62Id": "e5Q12r6",
    "AbilityPackageB62Id": "jyqqLr4",
    "MinLevel": 1,
    "MaxLevel": 60,
    "Faction": 11,
    "DetFaction": {
        "RepublicReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "NameId": "1173582633762823",
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [
        "FactionId": "3780939478746129694",
        "FactionString": "friendly",
        "OpposingFactionIds": [],
        "Id": "3780939478746129694",
        "Base62Id": "7kNfSsC"
    "Toughness": "Standard",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "LocalizedToughness": {
        "enMale": "Standard",
        "frMale": "Standard",
        "frFemale": "Standard",
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        "deFemale": "Standard"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.event.swoop_gang.story.screamers_gang_leader",
    "CnvB62": "ZdNy2QQ",
    "CodexId": "0",
    "ProfessionTrained": 0,
    "CompanionOverrideId": "0",
    "LootTableId": "0",
    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.npc.regular",
    "WanderPackage": "",
    "AggroPackage": "",
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            "MeleeOffWepB62Id": "0000000",
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            "RangedOffWepId": "0",
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            "AppearanceId": "16140965574268517194",
            "AppearanceFqn": "npp.event.swoop_gang.story.shared.screamers.screamers_gang_leader",
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    "CharRef": "chr.raossk",
    "Gender": "0x00",
    "FqnCategory": "event",
    "FqnSubCategory": "swoop_gang",
    "CommandXP": 16,
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    "Base62Id": "xIe6Jm7",
    "Fqn": "npc.event.swoop_gang.story.shared.screamers.screamers_gang_leader",
    "first_seen": "6.1.2",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.1.2",
    "hash": "1526234671",
    "removed_in": ""