- I owe you my life. A debt I will attempt to repay for the rest of our lives.
Link to Node 561
532. Player - A party interested in seeing you survive these assassination attempts. When your nerves are settled, reach out to Hylo Visz and we'll speak again.
Link to Node 545
533. Player - Hylo Visz sent me to ensure your safety. You were fortunate I caught up in time.
- I am grateful for her help, and yours. A life debt I shall reward so long as you both shall live.
Link to Node 561
534. Player - Who I am is far less important than what I want. I believe your people have the concept of a life debt. You can expect to hear from me again.
- No! Sith will not take this from us. Betrayers will feel our wrath!
273. <Conversation Exit>
1008. [The speeder is in bad shape from its terminal impact and won't be moving again without significant repairs. There's no one in the vehicle, alive or dead.]
1010. [Farther down the same trajectory is another, smaller, wreck and a Wookiee's body.]
1011. Player - [Check Crashed Speeder]
1012. [Judging by the amount of blood in the front seat, the driver probably died there and the vehicle went out of control.]
1014. [Rows of small gouges can be found all over the hood and driver's side door, but it doesn't look like the vehicle impacted with anything on that side.]
Link to Node 1018
Link to Node 1023
Link to Node 1029
Link to Node 1078
1018. Player - [Check Other Wreck]
1019. [The smoldering chassis of a swoop bike lays in a tangled heap. It looks like it took a nose dive right into the ground.]
1024. [It looks like the Wookiee tumbled here after being ejected from the speeder when it crashed, but that likely isn't what killed him.]
1026. [His throat and chest are covered in blood. Closer inspection shows the neck wound is more a ragged tear than a clean cut.]
Link to Node 1047
Link to Node 1018
Link to Node 1029
Link to Node 1078
1029. Player - [Piece Together the Events]
1030. [Near as you can tell, the attacker caught up with the senator's speeder on the swoop bike and leapt to it in flight.]
1032. [He then tore the driver's throat out while clinging to the exterior.]
1034. [You don't see drag marks, so more than one of the passengers was alive enough to leave of their own volition.]
1036. [Searching the ground for tracks, you find the next best thing: blood. A slight trail picks its way across the ground away from the wreck.]
1037. <Conversation Exit>
1078. Player - [Leave the Scene]
1079. <Conversation Exit>
903. [A pair of dead Wookiee warriors prove you're on the right path. They appear to have been cut down by a bladed weapon.]
919. [Defensive wounds on their arms and bowcasters indicate they put up a fight, but their depleted ammo packs aren't reassuring.]
920. Player - [Check Defensive Wounds]
926. [A few grazing cuts on their arms and bowcasters match the bladed weapon. There are some rougher scratches that might have been from wrestling in the terrain.]
928. [One of the Wookiees has a clump of long white hairs caught in his fingers. Aside from color, it's similar to his own.]
Link to Node 922
Link to Node 923
Link to Node 929
Link to Node 1073
922. Player - [Check Fatal Wounds]
925. [The weapon used to kill both Wookiees was extremely sharp, as the wounds are both clean and deep. It was most likely some kind of vibroblade.]
Link to Node 920
Link to Node 923
Link to Node 929
Link to Node 1073
923. Player - [Search Surroundings]
924. [The ten or so meters around the bodies are trampled and gouged from an intense melee. Though neither the senator nor the assailant are here, you easily find tracks.]
Link to Node 920
Link to Node 922
Link to Node 929
Link to Node 1073
929. Player - [Piece Together the Events]
939. [Whoever laid the trap for the motorcade along the road caught up with the survivors here.]
941. [The white haired attacker was dangerous enough to overpower at least two Wookiee warriors in close combat and might even be a Wookiee as well.]
943. [The tracks leaving the grisly scene are clear enough to follow and hint that the chase didn't conclude here.]
944. <Conversation Exit>
1073. Player - [Leave the Scene]
1074. <Conversation Exit>
813. [On the road to House Alde, you find a small convoy of abandoned speeders.]
815. [The lead vehicle is a smoking wreck, though the others appear undamaged. The odds that this was an attack on Hylo's contact are good.]
816. Player - Anyone alive here?
820. [If anyone is still alive, they don't answer. Or can't.]
Link to Node 828
817. Player - [Search the Vehicles]
836. [You rifle through the belongings abandoned by the passengers. Mostly personal effects of little consequence, but a couple things catch your interest.]
838. [Several gift-wrapped boxes contain objects native to Kashyyyk: dried wasaka berries, carvings made from wroshyr wood, and a ryyk blade bound to its scabbard with elaborate braids.]
840. [The senator's personal datapad is also among the items you located.]
861. Player - [Look Back Over the Convoy]
Link to Node 815
842. Player - [Take the Gift Boxes]
843. [You gather the assorted goods and tuck them among your own belongings.]
Link to Node 861
Link to Node 846
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
846. Player - [Read Datapad]
847. [You slice your way into the datapad with a known exploit. It's enough to get you into the locally stored data at least.]
849. [The senator's calendar shows an anniversary date that recently passed. The location is listed as Parliament, but a note says "Delayed Indefinitely."]
851. [A cursory glance at his recent messages shows that the senator was in contact with local authorities about an attack at Parliament.]
853. [Among his last sent messages are a plea to Hylo for discreet passage and a series of urgent check-ins with another senator that received no reply.]
854. Player - [Sweep for Survivors]
855. [It occurs to you that someone could be hiding among the wreckage and a search would be prudent.]
Link to Node 828
Link to Node 818
Link to Node 880
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
818. Player - [Look down the Road]
823. [You can tell the attack was recent. Raising your macrobinoculars, you take a look down the road ways for signs of flight and pursuit.]
825. [You find nothing indicating that the diplomat or attackers continued along the road.]
827. Player - [Check for Survivors]
828. [Checking the speeders and bodies for signs of life only confirms that anyone still breathing has fled the scene.]
Link to Node 817
Link to Node 818
Link to Node 880
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
Link to Node 817
Link to Node 880
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
880. Player - [Check Destroyed Speeder]
884. [The lead speeder in the escort looks to have been struck by a blast that reduced it to a smoking wreck.]
886. [Scorching around the ground indicates that a mine or improvised explosive was the cause. The other speeders appear unharmed by the blast though.]
888. [Taking a closer look for damage to the senator's vehicle reveals that it's electronic systems are fried. The shell of an ion pulse bomb lays half-buried along the road.]
Link to Node 827
Link to Node 817
Link to Node 818
Link to Node 819
Link to Node 1063
819. Player - [Piece Together the Events]
893. [The senator's meeting at Parliament was interrupted by an attack, forcing him into protective custody. At least one other senator appears to have been involved.]
895. [While traveling under armed escort to House Alde, the senator was targeted by another attack that disabled his motorcade and killed several bodyguards.]
898. [Whether he escaped or was taken is unclear, but no sign of him or his assailant can be found here.]
900. [With no signs of flight along the roads, an off-road path through the wilderness remains the only obvious means of escape.]
- [Rows of small gouges can be found all over the hood and driver's side door, but it doesn't look like the vehicle impacted with anything on that side.]
- [The speeder lot looks as unremarkable as any other you've seen at first glance, but the bowcaster scoring on several vehicles reveals you're on the trail.]
- [Checking the senator's datapad, you find a utility from the speeder manufacturer allowing for remote start, roadside assistance and location positioning.]
- [Smashed furniture, blaster damage and vibro blade marks can be found everywhere you look. The smell of burnt hair and smoke still hangs in the air.]
- [These warriors were cut down by a bladed weapon. Defensive wounds on their arms and bowcasters indicate they put up a fight, but their depleted ammo packs aren't reassuring.]
- [Several gift-wrapped boxes contain objects native to Kashyyyk: dried wasaka berries, carvings made from wroshyr wood and a ryyk blade bound to its scabbard with elaborate braids.]
- [The senator's calendar shows an anniversary date that recently passed. The location is listed as Parliament, but a note says "Delayed Indefinitely."]
- [The Alderaanian guest home was nicely appointed before whatever transpired tore it apart. You manage to pocket a few pieces that survived the melee.]
- [The senator's meeting at Parliament was interrupted by an attack, forcing him into protective custody. At least one other senator appears to have been involved.]
- [Another attack occurred as the senator was securing illegal transport off-world. Several bodyguards were killed, but the senator is not among them.]