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Welcome to TORCommunity, your all-in-wonder SWTOR fansite for guides, databases, tools, and more!

Sale Item Sale Price Original Price % Discounted
Stronghold Luxury Decoration Bundle 816 2040 60%
Stronghold Spacer's Decoration Bundle 640 1600 60%
Stronghold Cantina Decoration Bundle 608 1520 60%
The Arneclin Masterpieces 500 1000 50%
Stronghold Utility Decoration Bundle 509 1365 62%
Imperial Essentials Bundle 250 715 65%
Underworld Essentials Bundle 350 875 60%
Republic Essentials Bundle 250 715 65%
Unlock: Additional Cargo Bay 57 115 50%
About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.