Customize your Lightsaber with a rare white color crystal and summon an Iokath Assault Droid to fight by your side! Let's take a closer look at what this week has to offer:
WEEKDAY SALE: Tuesday, September 12 - Saturday, September 16 @ 5AM PDT – 2,200 Cartel Coins NOW 1,800 CARTEL COINS
WEEKEND PRICE: Saturday, September 16 @ 5AM PDT – Tuesday, September 19 – 2,200 Cartel Coins
- Outer Rim smugglers have unearthed a deposit of rare white color crystals, sending shockwaves across the galactic market. For a limited time, you can get your hands on one of these fabled weapon customizations.
ONE WEEK ONLY: Tuesday, September 12 - Tuesday, September 19 – 2,100 Cartel Coins
- Alliance forces found and repaired the former Iokath Assault Droid, K1-Z3N. Equipped with advanced protocols to aid its master and dispatch its foes, this unit has been restored to peak condition.