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Everything you see here is subject to change and will infact probably go through several iterations before live.

Base Class Changes

  • Phase walk is now part of the base class rather than Assassin / Shadow. (Sorcs / Sage now have phase walk to)

Sith Sorcerer (All Disciplines)

  • Resurgence force cost lowered to 30 from 40.
  • Resurgence healing reduced.
  • Static barrier force cost reduced to 35 from 50.
  • Dark Heal force cost reduced from 65 to 55
  • Reduced healing done by Dark Heal.
  • Consuming Darkness now only restores 40 Force


  • Dark Speed
    • Dark Heal increases the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.
    • Skilful tier

  • Dizzying Force
    • Reduces target's accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds after Whirlwind ends.
    • Masterful tier

  • Shifting Silhouette
    • Using Phase Walk to return to its marked location grants Shifting Silhouette, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 6 seconds.
    • Heroic tier
  • Force Mobility in addition to it's previous effects allows you to activate Force Barrier while moving (Can move while Immune)
  • Backlash moved to Heroic Tier
  • Conspiring Force moved from Heroic to Masterful.


  • Secrets of the Dark Side
    • Increases the healing done by Roaming Mend by 5% and reduces the Force it consumes by 10.
  • Reverse Corruptions now causes Force Barrier to purge Weary.
  • Efficacious Currents now reduces the Force cost of Static Barrier by 15 instead of 30.
  • Innervate healing reduced and Force cost over channel reduced to 48.
  • Dark Infusion Force cost reduced to 37 from 45 and healing reduced.
  • Revivification Force Cost reduced to 60 from 75. Healing reduced.
  • Dark Mending no longer reduces the Force cost of Roaming Mend
  • Roaming Mend Force cost reduced to 50 from 65. Healing reduced.


  • Fulgurous Fortification
    • Lightning Bolt increases your damage reduction by 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


  • Fulminating Current
    • Dealing damage with Force Lightning increases the critical chance of your damaging periodic effects by 2% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.

Jedi Sage (All Disciplines)

  • Rejuvenate force cost lowered to 30 from 40.
  • Rejuvenate healing reduced.
  • Force armor force cost reduced to 35 from 50.
  • Benevolence force cost reduced from 65 to 55
  • Reduced healing done by Benevolence.
  • Vindicate now only restores 40 Force


  • Benevolent Haste
    • Benevolence increases the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.
    • Skilful tier

  • Dizzying Force
    • Reduces target's accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds after Force Lift ends.
    • Masterful tier

  • Ethereal Entity
    • Using Phase Walk to return to its marked location grants Ethereal Entity, keeping you from being leapt to or pulled and making you immune to interrupts and ability activation pushback for the next 6 seconds.
    • Heroic tier
  • Force Mobility in addition to it's previous effects allows you to activate Force Barrier while moving (Being able to move while immune in Barrier)
  • Kinetic Collapse moved to Heroic Tier
  • Confound moved from Heroic to Masterful.


  • Erudite Mender
    • Increases the healing done by Wandering Mend by 5% and reduces the Force it consumes by 10.
  • Amnesty now causes Force Barrier to purge Weary.
  • Preservation now reduces the Force cost of Force Armor by 15 instead of 30.
  • Healing Trance healing reduced and Force cost over channel reduced to 48.
  • Deliverance Force cost reduced to 37 from 45 and healing reduced.
  • Salvation Force Cost reduced to 60 from 75. Healing reduced.
  • Immutable Force no longer reduces Wandering Mend cost
  • Wandering Mend Force cost reduced to 50 from 65. Healing reduced.


  • Telekinetic Refuge
    • Telekinetic Burst increases your damage reduction by 3% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.


  • Psychokinetic Torrent
    • Dealing damage with Telekinetic Throw increases the critical chance of your damaging periodic effects by 2% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.

Sith Assassin (All Disciplines)

  • Phantom Stride
    • Use the Force to move through time and space, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber or electrostaff.
    • 30 sec cooldown
    • 30 meter range
    • Ignores Alacrity
    • Level 51
  • Utilities:

    • Dark Stability changed to 6 seconds down from the duration of Deflection.
    • Snaring Slashes:
      • Thrash, Voltaic Slash, and Lacerate reduce the movement speed of the targets they damage by 30% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Speed Surge:
      • Activating Shock, Ball Lightning, and Leeching Strike increases your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds
      • Masterful tier

    • Phasing Phantasm:
      • Phantom Stride can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used
      • Heroic tier


    • Conspirator's Cloak is now granted by Phantom Stride.
    • Mounting Darkness now increases the damage of Discharge and Wither by 50% up from 40%.
    • Dark Bastion:
      • Increases the duration of Dark Ward by 5 seconds, its number of charges by 5, the shield chance it provides by an additional 3%, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. In addition, the duration of Dark Bulwark is also 5 seconds longer, and it can build 2 additional stacks.


    • Amped Voltage:
      • Increases the damage dealt by Surging Charge's Discharge by 5%. Additionally, activating Phantom Stride while Surging Charge is active builds 3 Static Charges.
      • Passive


    • Bloodletting now has a 100% chance to trigger when using Phantom Stride.
    • Languishing Lashes:
      • Dealing melee damage increases the critical chance of your damaging periodic effects by 10% for 10 seconds
      • Passive
      • Level 64

    Jedi Shadow (All Disciplines)

  • Shadow Stride
    • Use the Force to weave through the shadows, appearing at your enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Requires a double-bladed lightsaber or electrostaff.
    • 30 sec cooldown
    • 30 meter range
    • Ignores Alacrity
    • Level 51
  • Utilities:

    • Sturdiness changed to 6 seconds down from the duration of Deflection.
    • Snaring Strikes:
      • Double Strike, Clairvoyant Strike, and Whirling Blow reduce the movement speed of the targets they damage by 30% for 6 seconds.
      • Skilful tier

    • Kinetic Acceleration:
      • Activating Project, Psychokinetic Blast, and Serenity Strike increases your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds.<
      • Masterful tier

    • One with the Shadows:
      • Shadow Stride can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used
      • Heroic tier

    Kinetic Combat:

    • Shadow Wrap is now granted by Shadow Stride.
    • Force Break now increases the damage of Force Breach and Slow Time by 50% up from 40%.
    • Kinetic Bastion:
      • Increases the duration of Kinetic Ward by 5 seconds, its number of charges by 5, the shield chance it provides by an additional 3%, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. In addition, the duration of Kinetic Bulwark is also 5 seconds longer, and it can build 2 additional stacks.


    • Fracturing Force:
      • Increases the damage dealt by Shadow Technique's Force Breach by 5%. Additionally, activating Shadow Stride while Shadow Technique is active builds 3 Breaching Shadows.
      • Passive


    • Crush Spirit now has a 100% chance to trigger when using Shadow Stride.
    • Atrophying Attacks:
      • Dealing melee damage increases the critical chance of your damaging periodic effects by 10% for 10 seconds
      • Passive
      • Level 64

    About the Author
    Author: SwtorPotato