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Cartel Market Weekly Sales - 10/26/2016

Sale Item Sale Price Original Price % Discounted
Supercrate: Scavenger Packs 200 300 33%
Statue Of The Agonized 150 150 0%
Walkhar Trickster 1800 1800 0%
Hypercrate: Scavenger Packs 4680 7800 40%
TRK-R Treatment Chamber 1200 1200 0%
Infected Tree 120 120 0%
Thranta Trophy 130 130 0%
Ghostly Magus Armor Set 1000 1000 0%
Ethereal Rakling 140 140 0%
Worthwhile to note is that while the is no-longer listed at a discounted price, the "perpetually-discounted-as-a-shallow-marketing-tactic" items (like ) retain their status.
About the Author
Author: Meetry