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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Level 1 Gold Spammers are whispering

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 26.05.2017 10:23AM
Originally Posted by HuaRya View Post
Increasing in frequency are the whispering Gold Spammers at Level 1. I suppose we can turn off whispering but it would be a shame to no longer have this option as it comes in handy with forming groups.
Hey there, just some quick notes on your post. As some others have pointed out in the thread, if you are being whispered by a level 1 character that means it is coming from a sub or preferred account. That likely means that the account is compromised. Standard reminder to do your best to keep your accounts secured, such as using an authenticator.

Also, anytime you see credit spam of any kind, please report it in-game. It helps us greatly in being able to track down these accounts to deal with the spam. If needed, keep in mind that you can ignore any chat spam you receive which will stop you from receiving messages from that account.


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