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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#2 Class Changes: Virulence Sniper/ Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 23.06.2017 01:11PM
Hey folks,

Below you will find the planned changes for Virulence and Dirty Fighting coming in Game Update 5.3.
Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.

  • Cull deals 25% less damage
  • Weakening Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Cull
  • Increased Lethal Shot weapon damage by 13% and reduced its poison damage by 35%
  • Toxic Surge deals 20% more damage
  • In addition to its previous effects, Lethal Takedown now also reduces the energy cost of Takedown by 3

Dirty Fighting
  • Wounding Shots deals 25% less damage
  • Hemorrhaging Blast deals 11% more damage, costs 5 energy, and is no longer triggered by weapon damage from Wounding Shots
  • Increased Dirty Blast weapon damage by 13% and reduced its bleed damage by 35%
  • Bloody Mayhem deals 20% more damage
  • In addition to its previous effects, Dirty Shot now also reduces the energy cost of Quickdraw by 3

DevNotes: The changes to the Virulence Sniper / Dirty Fighting Gunslinger are meant to bring the discipline down to its target DPS. The damage reduction to Cull / Wounding Shots and the changes to Weakening Blast / Hemorrhaging Blast and Lethal Shot / Dirty Blast brought Virulence / Dirty Fighting slightly below its target DPS, so we increased the damage of Toxic Surge / Bloody Mayhem to get it back to the target.

The change to Lethal Takedown / Dirty Shot addressed a situation where it was better to use Lethal Shot / Dirty Blast while the target was under the effect of your Weakening Blast / Hemorrhaging Blast.
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