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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#3 Star Wars: The Old Republic - Road Map 2017

Originally Posted by KeithKanneg ( Original Post ) | 23.06.2017 06:54AM
Originally Posted by LtGeneralGezlin View Post
Hey, Keith. Has there ever been talk about adding some of the retired or unavailable Cartel Card minipets to the Cartel Coin Card Concierge vendor on the fleet? I know of at least one that was only available if you bought the Origin bundle, but now that specific bundle is no longer available that would be great to own, or some of those country specific pets those of us in the US (Or the other way around) can't get. Some of us have an addiction to getting these pets, so... :P
Good question. I'll have someone look into it, but certain exclusive pets will unlikely be made available.
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