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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#2 Utility Changes coming in GU 5.6

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 02.11.2017 02:12PM
Hey folks,

Here are some updated changes for Carnage and Combat from the dev team:

  • Ferocity is now stack-based with 2 stacks lasting up to 10 seconds; affecting Devastating Blast, Gore, Vicious Throw, Massacre, Ravage, Smash, and Sweeping Slash; and consuming a stack each time one of those abilities is used
  • Ferocity grants an additional 3rd stack if used while Berserk is active
  • The triggered effect for Slaughter now lasts up to 18 seconds, up from 15

  • Precision is now stack-based with 2 stacks lasting up to 10 seconds; affecting Clashing Blast, Lance, Dispatch, Blade Rush, Blade Barrage, Force Sweep, and Cyclone Slash; and consuming a stack each time one of those abilities is used
  • Precision grants an additional 3rd stack if used while Zen is active
  • The triggered effect for Hand of Justice now lasts up to 18 seconds, up from 15

DevNotes: After taking a deeper look at the Carnage / Combat discipline, based on player feedback, we made some improvements to our original changes.
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