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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

SWTOR Forum Guidelines

Originally Posted by CommunityTeam ( Original Post ) | 01.03.2021 11:40AM
Hello everyone,

We wanted to post a reminder of Forum rules and etiquette when engaging one another here. In order to foster constructive discussions in a safe and healthy environment, we do enforce our forum rules and expect our community members to treat each other with respect, even when disagreeing. You can read the full Rules of Conduct here, but these guidelines will help you contribute to the community and keep it a fun, healthy, and safe space for everyone!
  • Be mindful and respectful of each other even if you have differing opinions. Tone over text can be misinterpreted. Before you click Submit Reply, think about how your tone can come across to another community member.
  • Do not attack, harass, bully, threaten, or insult another community or staff member.
  • Hate speech is not tolerated. This can include and but is not limited to derogatory or hateful comments about a persons race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, appearance, nationality, country, and religion.
  • Calling out another player, community member, guild, or brigading (group coordinated harassment) against them is not permitted.
  • Do not spam. This includes spam reporting, spam messaging, and repeatedly posting the same message multiple times.
  • Report a problematic post using the report function so our team can review it. If you see negative comments being posted that violate our rules, please report them. Engaging can further spread the toxicity.
  • Creating false reports can result in actions being taken against your account.
  • It is at the sole discretion of the Community and Moderation Teams to remove content that they believe violates the Forum Guidelines and/or Rules of Conduct or is otherwise objectionable even without receiving a report of a potential violation.

Helpful reminders:
  • If you have issues with your account, please contact Support here.
  • If you need to report a player outside the forums for harassment, cheating, and/or abuse, please go here. Choose STWOR as the platform and follow those steps.
  • The Bug Report sub-forums and their guidelines can be found here.
  • The STAR WARS Discussion sub-forum is for any topic that is Star Wars related but non-SWTOR. The Off Topic sub-forum is for any topic that is outside of SWTOR and Star Wars as a whole.

Any post that has been determined to be in violation of our rules will be removed. It is at our teams discretion if further action must be taken against any account that has broken our rules.

We will always strive for the Forums to be a healthy space for everyone who wants to participate in conversations here. Please know that the Community Managers and Moderation Team are working together to review player reports, keep the forums organized, provide our teams with important information from the Forums, and are always helping point players towards helpful information.

Thank you,
Community Team
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