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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

Game Scaling Feedback

Originally Posted by JackieKo ( Original Post ) | 15.09.2021 09:55AM
With game scaling now available, we would like to compile feedback based off of your experience with the Combat Styles currently available.

Please answer the following questions:
  • How does this experience compare to live?
  • Do you feel too strong or too weak? Please explain why.
  • Do you notice anything off with your stats?

Please keep in mind the following:
  • Game scaling is available only for planets, daily areas, story mode Flashpoints, and chapters.
  • Game scaling is NOT available for old operations (Ops outside of 7.0), or Veteran and Master modes in Flashpoints
When providing feedback, please let us know what Combat Style you've chosen, and describe your experience in as much detail as possible to help us understand your thought process and line of thinking.

Thank you!
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