- Details
- Category: Game Update Previews
- Last Updated: Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016
- Published: Monday, February 22nd, 2016
- Written by Potato
A look at the changes and new Cartel Market items in 4.3. Please note that this is not a compete list of all changes in the patch.
New Cartel Market Items and Decos
New loading screen

New Warzone World Map

Things of Note
- Eternal championship will most likely be available on the PTS.
- Reporting a bug will now give you the following notice: "Note: This form is only for notifying the development team of bugs. Reporting a bug will not generate a ticket and you will not be contacted by a customer service representative."
- You can now have spaces in your name. You must have at least 3 characters before and after each space.
- The whisper command now has a new format. Before you would use it as follows /whisper player_name message. Now you will have to do the following: /whisper player_name: message. This is to allow it to handle spaces in player names.
- PvE and PvP servers are being replaced with PvE and PvP instance types. You can now set your focus out of combat. The following strings are provided by Bioware:
- You may not change your focus while in combat.
- You are choosing to set your focus to PVP. Are you sure you want to go get your ass kicked?
- You are choosing to set your focus to PVE. Are you sure you want everyone to know you are a huge wimp?
- Taking this shuttle to
will transport your character to this instance, change your focus to PVP, and start a cooldown for this feature. You might get your ass kicked! Are you sure? - This is a PVP instance. You may get your ass kicked.
- Your instance is not accepting new players, but your new group member is in another instance on your planet. Do you want to shuttle there? This will change your focus to PVP, and you may get your ass kicked.
- Many members of your guild are on your planet but in another instance. Do you want to shuttle there? This will change your focus to PVP, and you may get your ass kicked.
- Looks like they are working on a system that would require you to be in a PvP instance for certain quests.
- The new Warzone area is called "Alliance Base Training Ground".
- The new warzone could be round based. Looks like it has two teams of 8 and you could spawn at different locations for each round.
- 10 trophy decorations have been added for Eternal Championship. Doesn't look like they are actually attached to any achievements currently.
- Added a new hidden (and currently broken) achievement for collecting all Nerf Calves. The reward is the Nerf artwork pictured above and the title Nerf Herder.
- In addition to the decorations shown above the following Decorations are available:
- Commemorative Statue of Aric Jorgan
- Potted Plant: Zakuul Vertical Bush
- Potted Plant: Zakuul Swamp Ecosystem
- Rotating Light (Red)
- Looks like there's 3 Nerf Calf's available and it's some sort of world quest that involves a couple of items. Arctic Nerf Calf, Hill Nerf Calf, and Nightland Nerf Calf.
In-depth Changes
Changed Abilities
Changed Achievements
Changed Areas
Changed Codex Entries
Changed Companions
Changed Conquests
Changed Conversations
Changed Decorations
Changed Items
Changed New Companions
Changed NPCs
Changed Quests
Changed Schematic Variations
Changed Schematics
Changed String Tables
Class Changes:
Vanguard Changes