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Game Update 5.0a Mined

A look at the changes coming in Game Update 5.0a.

Table of Contents

New Cartel Market Items and Decorations

5-Pack- Command Boost

5-Pack- Command Boost

Command Boost

Command Boost

Things of Note

This is a small patch that mainly contains bug fixes. Notable additions include the new Command Boosts in the Cartel Market which increase command points gained by 25% for 3 hours. They do not affect Command Stash disintegrations and cannot be combined with any other Command Boost. 5-packs will cost 360 CC and individually they will cost 90 CC.

This patch also fixes the Chapter XVI Arcann fight and the Galactic Command Planetary Mission bug. The patch will be deployed on Saturday, December 3rd, 2016.

In-Depth Changes

About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.