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Sale Item Sale Price Original Price % Discounted
Zakuul Knight Armor Set 1440cc 1440cc 0%
Zakuul Personal Dropship 1500cc 1500cc 0%
Wild Space Explorer's Pack 250cc 300cc 16%
Hypercrate: Wild Space Explorer Pack 5400cc 8640cc 37%
Appearance Options: Chiss Customization 1 120cc 240cc 50%
Appearance Options: Mirialan Tattoos 1 45cc 90cc 50%
Skip Tracer's Cartel Pack 360cc 360cc 16%
5 Pack: Major Starfighter Experience Boost 60cc 240cc 75%
Rename: Flagship Name 750cc 1500cc 50%
Emote: Freezing 100cc 400cc 75%
Emote: Chilly 100cc 400cc 75%
About the Author
Author: Asana