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Originally Posted by ( Original Post ) | 07.22.2015


Ranked Arena Season 6 begins! Season 5 has come to a glorious conclusion and Season 6 with a revamped Reward system is underway! See the “Warzones” section below for full details. Season 5 rewards have been delivered to eligible characters’ in-game mail.

New Unlockable Species: Togruta! You can now roam the galaxy as a member of the Togruta Species! Togruta can be purchased via the Cartel Market or directly through the Appearance Designer Kiosk.

New Galactic Stronghold: Yavin IV! Claim your own Yavin IV Temple Stronghold by visiting the Stronghold Directory located on Yavin IV or on either Fleet.

Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins July 22nd at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT and ends July 28th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT.


  • Numerous Decorations now appear correctly in the Decoration preview window.
  • Companion’s equipment dyes now appear correctly during Conversations.
  • The World Breaker Monolith Decoration no longer states it can be placed on a Massive Structure Hook.
  • The Security Camera decoration can now be placed on a Wall Small hook.
  • The Tatooine Homestead Stronghold has had its hook count allowance raised to 900 (up from 500).
  • The Ridge Hunter Rancor can now be placed on a Medium Floor Hook.

Cartel Market

  • Togruta are now available in the Appearance Designer and the Cartel Market for 600 Cartel Coins. The Togruta species automatically hides any equipment in a characters head slot.
  • The Yavin IV Galactic Stronghold is now available on Yavin IV and at the Stronghold Directory located on either Fleet. There is a limit of four active Strongholds, so players with all available Strongholds will need to deactivate one prior to decorating Yavin IV.
  • The Galactic Diversity Bundle has been updated to include the Togruta Species unlock.

Classes + Combat

Jedi Consular

  • Noble Sacrifice has been redesigned and renamed Vindicate: Calls upon the light energy surrounding you, restoring 50 Force. Utilizing Vindicate makes you Weary, reducing your Force regeneration rate by 2 for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.
  • All Sages will need to visit their class trainer to attain Vindicate.
  • Benevolence now has a base Force cost of 65 (up from 50) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • Rejuvenate now has a base Force cost of 45 (up from 30) and its healing has been increased.
  • Now that Noble Sacrifice has been removed, Valiance no longer affects Noble Sacrifice. Valiance now additionally reduces the damage taken by the target of your Rescue by 25% for 6 seconds after you rescue them.


  • Deliverance now has a base Force cost of 45 (up from 30) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • Healing Trance now has a base Force cost of 60 (up from 40) and its healing has been increased.
  • Salvation now has a base Force cost of 75 (up from 60) and its healing has been increased.
  • Wandering Mend now has a base Force cost of 65 (up from 50) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • The Noble Sacrifice effect of Resplendence has been removed and redesigned with Vindicate: Vindicate restores an additional 10 Force and consumes 1 charge of Resplendence. Additionally, using Vindicate with a charge of Resplendence does not make you Weary.
  • The Salvation effect of Resplendence now causes you to consume 10 less Force per charge (up from 5), along with its original additional effects.
  • Immutable Force now additionally reduces the Force cost of Wandering Mend by 5.
  • Conveyance no longer highlights its associated healing abilities when active.
  • Increased the healing granted by Renewal after refreshing Rejuvenate on a target.
  • Amnesty has been redesigned: Spending a charge of Resplendence on Vindicate grants Amnesty, increasing Force regeneration by 2 for up to 10 seconds if you are not Weary or removing a single stack of Weary otherwise. The Amnesty effect will be lost early if Vindicate is activated without a charge of Resplendence.
  • The Force-Mystic’s 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned: Consuming Darkness or Vindicate restore an additional 5 Force.


  •   Prolific Justice now spreads periodic Force Breach and Sever Force effects with Whirling Blow (instead of Force in Balance).

Sith Inquisitor

  • Consumption has been redesigned and renamed Consuming Darkness: Consuming Darkness consumes the dark energy around you, restoring 50 Force. Utilizing Consuming Darkness makes you Weary, reducing your Force regeneration rate by 2 for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.
  • All Sorcerers will need to visit their class trainer to attain Consuming Darkness.
  • Dark Heal now has a base Force cost of 65 (up from 50) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • Resurgence now has a base Force cost of 45 (up from 30) and its healing has been increased.
  • Now that Consumption has been removed, Dark Resilience no longer affects Consumption. Dark Resilience now additionally reduces the damage taken by the target of your Extrication by 25% for 6 seconds after you extricate them.


  • Dark Infusion now has a base Force cost of 45 (up from 30) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • Innervate now has a base Force cost of 60 (up from 40) and its healing has been increased.
  • Revivification now has a base Force cost of 75 (up from 60) and its healing has been increased.
  • Roaming Mend now has a base Force cost of 65 (up from 50) and its healing has been significantly increased.
  • The Consumption effect of Force Surge has been removed and redesigned with Consuming Darkness: Consuming Darkness restores an additional 10 Force and consumes 1 charge of Force Surge. Additionally, using Consuming Darkness with a charge of Force Surge does not make you Weary.
  • The Revivification effect of Force Surge causes you to consume 10 less Force per charge (up from 5), along with its original additional effects.
  • Dark Mending now additionally reduces the Force cost of Roaming Mend by 5.
  • Force Bending no longer highlights its associated healing abilities when active.
  • Increased the healing granted by Renewal after refreshing Resurgence on a target.
  • Reverse Corruptions has been redesigned: Spending a charge of Force Surge on Consuming Darkness grants Reverse Corruptions, increasing Force regeneration by 2 for up to 10 seconds if you are not Weary or removing a single stack of Weary otherwise. The Reverse Corruptions effect will be lost early if Consuming Darkness is activated without a charge of Force Surge.
  • The Force-Mystic’s 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned: Consuming Darkness or Vindicate restore an additional 5 Force.


  • Thundering Blast now has a travel time to match the Turbulence ability of the Telekinetics Sage.


  • Profuse Horror now spreads periodic Creeping Terror and Discharge effects with Lacerate (instead of Death Field).


  • Medical Probe is now available to all Commandos at level 10. The healing dealt by Medical Probe has been reduced.
  • Advanced Medical Probe is now part of the Combat Medic Discipline and has been removed from all other Commandos.
  • The healing dealt by Med Shot has been reduced.
  • Target Lock now increases the critical chance of Medical Probe by 5%, but no longer increases the critical chance of Advanced Medical Probe.
  • Field Medicine now increases the healing done by Bacta Infusion and Medical Probe by 10%.
  • The Combat Medic’s 4-piece set bonus now properly increases the duration of Supercharged Cell.
  • All Commandos may want to visit their class trainer to make sure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.

Combat Medic

  • Advanced Medical Probe is now part of the Combat Medic Discipline, available at level 10. The healing dealt by Advanced Medical Probe has been increased.
  • Medical Probe has been removed from the Combat Medic Discipline and is now available to all Commandos. The healing dealt by Medical Probe has been reduced.
  • Quick Thinking has been redesigned: Quick Thinking now increases the critical healing chance of Medical Probe by 5%.
  • Field Medicine now increases the healing done by Bacta Infusion and Medical Probe by 10%, but no longer increases the healing dealt by Advanced Medical Probe.


  • Charged Barrel now reduces the activation time and increases the healing dealt by the next Medical Probe by 20% (instead of Advanced Medical Probe).

Assault Specialist

  • Rapid Recharge now additionally reduces the heat cost of Medical Probe by 5.
  • Blazing Celerity now additionally makes Medical Probe activate instantly after dealing damage with Mag Bolt.

Bounty Hunter

  • Rapid Scan is now available to all Mercenaries at level 10. The healing dealt by Rapid Scan has been reduced.
  • Healing Scan is now part of the Bodyguard Discipline and has been removed from all other Mercenaries.
  • The healing dealt by Kolto Shot has been reduced.
  • Advanced Targeting now increases the critical chance of Rapid Scan by 5%, but no longer increases the critical chance of Healing Scan.
  • Empowered Scans now increases the healing done by Emergency Scan and Rapid Scan by 10%.
  • The Combat Medic’s 4-piece set bonus now properly increases the duration of Supercharged Gas.
  • All Mercenaries may want to visit their class trainer to make sure they have the highest ranks of all the affected abilities mentioned above.


  • Healing Scan is now part of the Bodyguard Discipline, available at level 10. The healing dealt by Healing Scan has been increased.
  • Rapid Scan has been removed from the Bodyguard Discipline and is now available to all Mercenaries. The healing dealt by Rapid Scan has been reduced.
  • Med Tech has been redesigned: Med Tech now increases the critical healing chance of Rapid Scan by 5%.
  • Field Medicine now increases the healing done by Bacta Infusion and Medical Probe by 10%, but no longer increases the healing dealt by Healing Scan.


  • Tracer Lock now reduces the activation time and increases the healing dealt by the next Rapid Scan by 20% (instead of Healing Scan).

Innovative Ordnance

  • Rapid Venting now additionally reduces the heat cost of Rapid Scan by 5.
  • Speed to Burn now additionally makes Rapid Scan activate instantly after dealing damage with Mag Shot.


  • The healing dealt by Diagnostic Scan has been reduced.
  • Increased the immediate healing dealt by Kolto Pack, and reduced the healing dealt by its following duration heal.
  • Slow-release Medpac now costs 10 energy (down from 15 energy). The healing dealt by Slow-release Medpac has been reduced.


  • Smuggled Med Delivery now additionally allows Diagnostic Scan to channel while moving.
  •   Kolto Cloud now costs 20 energy (down from 25 energy). The healing dealt by Kolto Cloud has been slightly reduced.
  • The healing dealt by Underworld Medicine has been significantly increased.
  •   Homegrown Pharmacology now increases the healing dealt by periodic effects by 5% (up from 3%).
  • Puissant Poultices no longer reduces the energy cost of Slow-release Medpac by 5.
  •   Bedside Manner now increases all healing done by 5% (up from 3%) for 6 seconds when an Upper Hand is consumed by a healing ability.
  • The Field Medic’s 6-piece set bonus has been redesigned: Reduces the cooldown of Recuperative Nanotech or Kolto Cloud by 3 seconds.

Imperial Agent

  • The healing dealt by Diagnostic Scan has been reduced.
  • Increased the immediate healing dealt by Kolto Infusion, and reduced the healing dealt by its following duration heal.
  • Kolto Probe now costs 10 energy (down from 15 energy). The healing dealt by Kolto Probe has been reduced.


  • Surprise Surgery now additionally allows Diagnostic Scan to channel while moving.
  •   Recuperative Nanotech now costs 20 energy (down from 25 energy). The healing dealt by Recuperative Nanotech has been slightly reduced.
  •    The healing dealt by Kolto Injection has been significantly increased.
  •   Medical Therapy now increases the healing dealt by periodic effects by 5% (up from 3%).
  •   Durable Meds no longer reduces the energy cost of Kolto Probe by 5.
  •    Tactical Medicine now increases all healing done by 5% (up from 3%) for 6 seconds when a Tactical Advantage is consumed by a healing ability.
  • The Field Medic’s 6-piece set bonus has been redesigned: Reduces the cooldown of Recuperative Nanotech or Kolto Cloud by 3 seconds.


  • Highly prized Ranked Rewards can now be purchased with Season specific Tokens only gained through Ranked Warzone play, either by per match participation or as a reward based on rating at season’s end. The items are available for purchase after the season ends. Stay tuned to for more information as the season gets underway!
  • New Season-specific Commendations have been added. These new Commendations are awarded for participating in Ranked Warzone Arenas, and have a limit of 1,000,000. These commendations can be used to purchase highly prized Ranked Rewards after the season ends.
  • Medals for Warzone Arenas have been adjusted to better reward characters that engage in meaningful participation for their role. In addition, the kill requirements were reduced to better reflect the content.
    • Soldier Medal now requires 4 kills, down from 10.
    • Commando Medal now requires 8 kills, down from 25.
    • Healer Medal now requires 150,000 healing, up from 90,000.
    • Savior Medal now requires 650,000 healing, up from 360,000.
    • Protector Medal now requires 150,000 protection, up from 60,00
  • Warzone Experience and Credits have been increased by 100%.
  • Warzone Weekly and Daily Missions have had their Warzone Commendation rewards increased. 100 up to 150 for the Daily, and 300 to 400 for the Weekly. This affects all Warzone Daily and Weekly Missions.
  • Dark Reaver Gear costs have been dramatically reduced and now cost Warzone Commendations.
  • Exhumed Gear has had its price reduced.
  • Legacy Warzone Commendation Grants have been added to the PvP Items vendor on the Fleets. These grants are purchasable for 100, 500 and 1000 Warzone Commendations and grant the same amount as purchased. They are Bound to Legacy.
  • Ranked Commendations have been removed from the game. All Ranked Commendations have been converted to Warzone Commendations at a 1:1 rate.
About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.