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Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 24.10.2016 08:03AM
Hey folks,

I wanted to give you a heads up on a change included with Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday. As we discussed last week, we are making changes to how gearing works in our upcoming expansion, Knights of the Eternal Throne. In support of our new Galactic Command system, we will be removing Warzone Commendations from the game on November 29th when Knights of the Eternal Throne Early Access opens. As a result, any new Warzone Commendation Grants will become bound and will Bind on Pickup starting on Tuesday, with Game Update 4.7.3.

If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesdays maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.

It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Thrones launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.

Thanks everyone!

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