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Welcome to TORCommunity, your all-in-wonder SWTOR fansite for guides, databases, tools, and more!

Table of Contents

New Cartel Market Items and Decorations

Warbound Crusader Pack

Warbound Crusader Pack

Supercrate- Warbound Crusader Packs

Supercrate- Warbound Crusader Packs

Hypercrate- Warbound Crusader Packs

Hypercrate- Warbound Crusader Packs

Advanced Tythian Flame Eviscerating Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame Eviscerating Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame Hawkeye Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame Hawkeye Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame Indestructible Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame Indestructible Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame War Hero's Crystal

Advanced Tythian Flame War Hero's Crystal

Corellian K5 Blaster Rifle

Corellian K5 Blaster Rifle

Corellian K5 Blaster

Corellian K5 Blaster

Corellian K5 Sniper Rifle

Corellian K5 Sniper Rifle

Corrupted Nexu

Corrupted Nexu

Creature Companion- Nathema Voreclaw

Creature Companion- Nathema Voreclaw

Crystalcrag Monolith

Crystalcrag Monolith

Dust Viper Bandit's Armor Set

Dust Viper Bandit's Armor Set

Emote- Excited Child

Emote- Excited Child

Hoth Defender's Armor Set

Hoth Defender's Armor Set

Imperial Devastator

Imperial Devastator

Iokath Wyvern

Iokath Wyvern

L1-L War Machine

L1-L War Machine

Port Nowhere Mobster's Armor Set

Port Nowhere Mobster's Armor Set

Rendili Chameleon

Rendili Chameleon

Ruby Vrblet

Ruby Vrblet

Security Chief's Armor Set

Security Chief's Armor Set

Sinear PR-4

Sinear PR-4

Sith Hermit's Armor Set

Sith Hermit's Armor Set

Technolith Matrix Tuning

Technolith Matrix Tuning

Title- Iokath Crusader

Title- Iokath Crusader

Tythian Lightsaber Pike

Tythian Lightsaber Pike

Tythian Lightsaber

Tythian Lightsaber

Vintage Load Lifter

Vintage Load Lifter

Zakuulan Socialite's Armor Set

Zakuulan Socialite's Armor Set

Things of Note

Full Patch Notes

In-Depth Changes

About the Author
Author: Hayward
Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date.