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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#2 Class Changes: Medicine Operative / Sawbones Scoundrel

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 27.09.2017 12:38PM
Hey folks,

Below you will find the upcoming changes for Medicine and Sawbones coming in Game Update 5.5:

Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.

  • Kolto Infusion no longer applies a heal over time; instead, the initial heal now heals for 44.51% more
  • Curative Agent now changes Kolto Infusion back to its heal over time version, and the rest of Curative Agent's effects are unchanged
  • Each tick of Recuperative Nanotech now heals for 12% less
  • The critical chance bonus given to Diagnostic Scan by Prognosis: Critical is now 10%
  • Accomplished Doctor no longer affects Surgical Probe, and the critical healing bonus it grants to Kolto Injection and Kolto Infusion is now 10%, while its other effect remains unchanged
  • Medical Therapy no longer increases the healing done by periodic effects, but its other effects remain unchanged
  • Durable Meds no longer increases the healing done by each tick of Recuperative Nanotech, but still increases its duration
  • Surgical Precision no longer increases the healing done by Surgical Probe, but its other effects remain unchanged
  • The chance of getting a Tactical Advantage from a Kolto Waves, Kolto Probe, or Recuperative Nanotech tick granted by Medical Engineering is now 10%

  • Kolto Pack no longer applies a heal over time; instead, the initial heal now heals for 44.51% more
  • Sly Surrender now changes Kolto Pack back to its heal over time version, and the rest of Sly Surrender's effects are unchanged
  • Each tick of Kolto Cloud now heals for 12% less
  • The critical chance bonus given to Diagnostic Scan by Prognosis: Critical is now 10%
  • Accomplished Sawbones no longer affects Emergency Medpac, and the critical healing bonus it grants to Underworld Medicine and Kolto Pack is now 10%, while its other effect remains unchanged
  • Homegrown Pharmacology no longer increases the healing done by periodic effects, but its other effects remain unchanged
  • Puissant Poultices no longer increases the healing done by each tick of Kolto Cloud, but still increases its duration
  • Emergent Emergencies no longer increases the healing done by Emergency Medpac, but its other effects remain unchanged
  • The chance of getting an Upper Hand from a Kolto Waves, Slow-release Medpac, or Kolto Cloud tick granted by Medpac Mastery is now 10%

DevNotes: The changes made to Medicine / Sawbones bring the discipline to the target HPS while relatively improving its burst-healing capabilities. Overall, the majority of the healing reduction was aimed at the Operatives / Scoundrels heal-over-time abilities, which are usually more prone to over-heal.

The changes to Kolto Infusion / Kolto Pack and Curative Agent / Sly Surrender give the Operative / Scoundrel a quick, bursty heal in their baseline toolkit, while still allowing players who prefer a more proactive HoT-based playstyle to preserve that gameplay by taking the Curative Agent / Sly Surrender utility. On the whole, Medicine Operative / Sawbones Scoundrel HPS has been brought in line with that of Corruption Sorcerers / Seer Sages, but its baseline ability to burst heal is comparatively better than it was before these changes.

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