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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#3 Tier 4 Gear in Game Update 5.2

Originally Posted by EricMusco ( Original Post ) | 03.03.2017 10:08AM
Originally Posted by Ottoattack View Post

I have not seen in any of the posts addressing changes in PvP related to gear. So, I will re-ask the questions:

Since we have a new tier of gear is the bolster going to be moving up?

With the new tier, is tier 1 being removed from shops and tier 2 (236) becomes first tier you buy with UC? This is the case for ops. Or, there is going to be a forth tier of PvP gear?

If there is a forth tier, what will the UC costs be?

Is the existing cost of gear for UC will change?
  • Bolster will be moving up to 238.
  • Yes, you can just purchase Tier 2 as the "first Tier" with Unassembled Components.
  • I am not sure yet on the last two, let me work on getting those answers.
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