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Bioware Developer Forum Posts

#2 Feedback: Rishi Stronghold (Final PTS)

Originally Posted by CharlesBoyd ( Original Post ) | 20.07.2018 04:43PM
Hey folks!

First off, I want to thank you all for your feedback throughout the PTS cycle! Although we won't be able to address every point of feedback, your input has significantly improved the quality of this update, and we look forward to repeating the process for more of our releases in the coming months.

A key piece of feedback we've definitely seen and investigated is the addition of a "house" or "cantina" type of building to the stronghold; unfortunately, that just isn't something we can feasibly add to the stronghold at this point. I know this may seem like a simple request, but it would actually require significant development and testing time to implement at quality. That said, we are taking this particular piece of feedback to heart and will make sure that future strongholds include those types of spaces where it makes sense.

I also want to clarify that although this is the last build we have planned for PTS, it does not represent the final build that will be going live as update 5.9.2. Additional fixes and changes that are not in the final PTS patch notes will be included in the full update, such as the PvP toggle. The comprehensive patch notes for 5.9.2 will be released a bit closer to the update going live, which is still planned for July 31.
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