- Details
- Category: SWTOR Patch Notes
- Last Updated: Monday, September 21st, 2015
- Published: Monday, September 21st, 2015
New performance optimizations! Made multiple improvements targeting graphics, framerate, and load times. See below for details!
Bounty Contract Week Returns! Speak with a Bounty Brokers Association representative on either Fleet to get lucrative contracts to hunt dangerous criminals hiding across the galaxy! The event begins September 22nd at 04:00 PDT/12:00 GMT and ends September 29th at 04:00 PDT/12:00 GMT.
- Made multiple performance optimizations across the game. The effects of these improvements will depend on settings, computer specifications, and your location in-game:
- Improved anti-aliasing to give better performance on Medium settings and better overall image quality on Very High settings.
- Environment rendering has been given a subtle contrast boost.
- Character rendering has been adjusted so that characters are more obvious and stand out a bit more against the background.
- Improved rendering performance of shadows.
- Improved rendering performance of grass and other foliage.
- Improved area load times, as well as made general performance and memory improvements.
- Made framerate improvements, especially when in a large group of characters.
- The Gree Hypergate Rest and Recharge item can no longer be used during Warzones.
- The Selkath Console Decoration has been reverted to its proper appearance.
- The Sensor Console: X1-74 Decoration now has collision as intended.
- Fixed textures that were not fully rendering in the Korriban Incursion Flashpoint.
Missions + NPCs
- The Imperial Commando and Soldier now attack after speaking with Master Gauralt during the Mission “A Presence on Ziost.”
- The Warzone UI now properly states that it is Season Six.